Hungry Shark Wiki
Searching for some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles....

Megalodon travelling in the Sewers.

The Sewers are a location in Hungry Shark World located in the South China Sea.


The area is a large system of tunnels filled with pollution. There are two entrances to it, one being in a cave blocked by purple crystals and guarded by Enemy Big Mommas, and the other being in the City, where a current makes it harder to enter. Saltwater Crocodiles spawn here, as well as Tiger Sharks with lasers. Several dangerous enemies are present, and the Sewers contain some of the most garbage out of every location in the game.

Atomic Lair

Where the Enemy Atomic Shark spawns.

In one area of the Sewers, some toxic barrels and an Enemy Atomic Shark spawn.

A secret bathroom can be accessed via the Sewers. The player can go up a pipe and destroy two barriers to access a small bathroom filled with some people.

