Hungry Shark Wiki

Electric Eels are fish that appear in Hungry Shark World. These very dangerous eels can cause a lot of damage and can drain the player's shark health fast (very fast while starving). They spawn in the South China Sea from time to time. Even an !! or Apex shark shocked by an Electric Eel and will suffer collateral damage. You will need an XXL shark, !! shark or Apex shark to eat this prey.


Electric Eels can be found alone (or sometimes in groups of two) in the South China Sea. Their exact range isn’t clear, but they will usually spawn scattered in open waters and in small groups inside tunnels.



  • An XXL shark or above is needed to devour an Electric Eel without Mega Gold Rush or Super Size Mode.
  • When there are multiple near the shark at once, they can even kill a !! Shark or Apex Shark very easily.
  • It is colored blue, unlike real Electric Eels which are green.
  • Electric Eels in real life are not found in the South China Sea, let alone in saltwater. They can only be found in the Amazon River.