Hungry Shark Wiki

Evil Whitetip Reef Sharks are creatures in Hungry Shark World that are hostile, they attack by biting through your body.

They can be consumed by Whitetip Reef Shark, Porbeagle, Blue Shark, and other higher shark tiers. But cannot be consumed by Blacktip Reef Shark due to its lower tier. When encountered one, you will be chased by the shark until you are bitten and may give up chasing you if you swim fast.


Evil Whitetip Reef Shark usually appears in group two. They can attack from a medium-long range. Which makes them lethal, but also allows for a quick health top-up. Enemy Whitetip Reef Sharks can attack the shark in short range, when they are preparing an attack on you, boost away. If they aren't preparing an attack, attack and eat them.

Appearance in Hungry Shark Evolution[]


Evil Reef Shark (HSE)

In Hungry Shark Evolution, It is not called Evil Whitetip Reef Shark, but normal Evil Reef Shark, They are brighter in color and slightly are slower at swimming. They are eatable by Reef Sharks and above.


You only can find them in the Pacific Island. And you can encounter them in various locations on the map.

